Sep 30, 2020
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Liz Hall, well known on the Twittersphere as @LizQuidity, joins the podcast to...
Sep 23, 2020
Alex Chausovsky of ITR Economics joins the podcast to discuss his view that economic recovery in the U.S. is on firmer footing than widely believed.
(Spotify users can link to the segment directly by clicking on the
Sep 16, 2020
Value Stock Geek, well known on the Twittersphere as @ValueStockGeek, joins the podcast to discuss his concept of the "weird portfolio."
This portfolio allocates to gold and real estate as well as stocks and Treasuries.
The guest also revisits his prediction from his first visit to the podcast last year, when he said...
Sep 2, 2020
University of Oxford economist John Kay joins the podcast to discuss his recent book, "Radical Uncertainty" and its lessons for financial markets in the age of COVID-19.
Content (Spotify users can skip to the segment by clicking on the timestamp):